
When you to become mother, you'll see.

Um livro que contem as típicas falas das mães portuguesas.
Quem disse que as mães não tinham um manual de preparação?
Aqui está a prova de como todas as mães acabam por dizer o mesmo, cada uma à sua maneira, mas dizem.

A book that contains the typical lines, of the Portuguese mothers.
Who said mothers had no preparation manual?
Here is the proof of how all mothers end up saying the same, each in its own way, but they say.

 If your friends throw themselves into a well, you'll also strips?
 Also I wanted much thing!
 One day you go to be thankful to me.
 If you ingest the chewing gum, you die.

 With so many children starving in Africa ...
 Do you think that money falls from the sky?

 I told you
 You do not hear me ...
 What did I do to God?
 This whole outfit with this heat? You stay sick!

 If I get up ...
 I'll count to three ...
 Poor thing!

 Well! Well, well...

Já ouvi a minha mãe a dizer a maior parte destas frases, para não dizer "todas", nem sempre foi comigo mas também ao meu irmão.
E até eu já usei algumas destas frases com ele, porque se formos a ver eu sou uma espécie de segunda mãe para ele.
As vossas mães, também já vos disserem, algumas destas frases? ou algo idêntico?


I've heard my mother say most of these sentences, if not all, was not always with me but also to my brother.
And until I've used some of these sentences with my brother, because if we go to see I'm kind of a second mother to him.
Your mothers, also have you say, some of these sentences? or something similar?

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© See Differently
Maira Gall